The Bee Guild at Grow Benzie formed in 2013 through a dedicated group of enthusiasts, business owners, and hobbyists coming together to share, learn, and connect through informal meetings in member’s homes.
In 2017, a community potluck was hosted at Grow Benzie to bring together both amateurs and professional beekeepers in Northern Michigan. The Guild built up the bee yard at Grow Benzie to create a mentorship program which provides hands-on experiences for those learning the craft.
Today, the Guild provides engagement experiences throughout the year, with new and more experienced beekeepers working and learning together. Through mentorship opportunities and workshops, less experienced beekeepers have a chance to learn before they jump into this way of bee-ing.
- Honoring and preserving the critical role bees play in supporting a thriving natural ecosystem.
- Providing educational opportunities on organic beekeeping practices.
- Mentoring future beekeepers.

Stay informed on the Bee Guild’s current endeavours!
Reach out to the Bee Guild and get involved today!
The Bee Guild’s core leadership team consists of a group of professional beekeepers and avid hobbyists.
The Bee Guild is partially supported by lifetime memberships. Memberships cost $35 and may be purchased in-person at Grow Benzie with cash or check. Member benefits include:
Access to Bee Guild Newsletters and Communications
Equipment Rental
Connection to a Local Network of Beekeepers
The Bee Guild is consistently seeking volunteers to assist with workshops and maintaining the bee yard. To get involved contact benziebees@gmail.com.
The Bee Guild is supported directly through its membership base and grants.