Benzie Cares for Kids
Benzie Cares for Kids (Benzie County Child Abuse Prevention Council) is a non-profit organization that supports and promotes primary prevention services across Benzie County. There are 72 Child Abuse Prevention Councils in the State of Michigan.
- Assisting the local baby pantry by providing educational materials for parents on child development, safe sleep materials, and pack-n-plays.
- Scholarships for Benzie County youth to sponsor summer camp attendance.
- County-wide playgroups.
- Increasing awareness of child abuse through marketing campaigns.
- Participating in Children’s Trust Fund and Child Abuse Prevention month activities.
Reach out to learn more about Benzie Cares for Kids today!
Benzie Cares for Kids non-profit Leadership consists of representation from the following organizations:
Benzie Leelanau District Health Department
Central Wellness
Northwest Michigan Community Action Agency
The Baby Pantry at St. Philip's Episcopal Church
Human Services Collaborative Body
BEST Benzie County
Benzie Area Chamber of Commerce
Benzie Cares for Kids is not currently accepting volunteers. To learn more about the Initiative and how you can support, contact Maggie Bacon at maggie@bestbenziecounty.org
Benzie Cares for Kids is funded by the Children’s Trust Fund of Michigan. Learn more about the Children’s Trust Fund of Michigan here: https://www.michigan.gov/ctf