Benzie Welcome Corps
The mission of Benzie Welcome Corps is to sponsor and welcome a Ukrainian family displaced by the war to Benzie County.
Inspiration to Sponsor a Ukrainian Family.
Julie Schumaker was inspired to create the Benzie Welcome Corps in early 2023 after watching the movie Peace by Chocolate. It’s the true story about a Syrian refugee family which was welcomed by a town in Canada. After reading daily news about the war in Ukraine and wondering how she might provide direct help, this movie was an inspiration. She immediately thought, “We could sponsor a family from Ukraine! What a safe haven Benzie County would be for a family fleeing war.”
In February, Julie organized an initial meeting with a small group of community members to share the idea of sponsoring a Ukrainian family. From that meeting, the Benzie Welcome Corps was launched. Within two months, the group had grown considerably as word spread with many individuals and organizations offering support.
Susan Kirkpatrick, member of 100+ Women Who Care, presents their gift to Julie Schumaker, Chairperson of the Benzie Welcome Corps. Sandy Morgan and Bruce Ogilvie, Advisory Board members are holding the Ukrainian Flag.
Under U.S. law, a refugee is someone who “demonstrates that they were persecuted or fear persecution due to race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group” (USCIS.gov). It does not apply to those fleeing war. In 2022, the U.S. created a new pathway to welcome families fleeing the war in Ukraine, as well as those from other countries.
The new pathway is called humanitarian parole. Individuals are allowed to live in the U.S. for two years. If they would like to stay longer, or become a U.S. citizen, they will need to work with an immigration attorney.
Traditionally, refugees arriving in the U.S. work with one of the major resettlement agencies in this country. In response to the war in Ukraine, the U.S. government now allows everyday Americans to form sponsorship groups of five or more individuals to welcome Ukrainians fleeing the war into their community.
Welcome.US provides guidance and support to sponsoring groups. The sponsoring group helps the family get settled into a new home, enroll children in school, apply for benefits and food assistance, find a job, use public transportation, and provide support with acclimating to a new home.
Most Ukrainians fleeing the war are women and children, along with the elderly, as men between the age 18-60 are required to stay and fight.
Signed a lease agreement for a furnished 4-bedroom, 2-1/2 bath house in Frankfort that can accommodate up to 8 people. The home is currently a short-term rental, so is not available until October 1. Thanks to Agape Vacation Rentals for their willingness to work with us and to convert a short-term rental to a long-term rental for a Ukrainian family.
Secured a fiscal agent. Grow Benzie has agreed to be our fiscal agent. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, all donations made to Grow Benzie for Benzie Welcome Corps will be tax deductible.
Selected by 100 Women Who Care for funding at their meeting in April 2023. We are thrilled to have been selected by Benzie 100 Women Who Care for funding! This raised $16,000+ towards sponsoring a Ukrainian family. Thank you Benzie 100 WWC!
Identified Local Resources. Bethany Christian Services in Traverse City will be able to provide much needed support including helping families apply for food & cash assistance, health benefits, and a social security card; connecting them with local immigration attorneys, medical providers, and interpreters; providing a household and food pantry; and creating a Ukrainian Connection Center. Additionally, local resources have been identified at BACN, Frankfort-Elberta Area Schools, and Benzie Bus, and we have had conversations with Episcopal Migration Ministries re: the support they can provide through their Neighbor-to-Neighbor program.
Created an Advisory Board to provide overall direction and oversight of the Benzie Welcome Corps. Board members include Rev. John E. (Jack) Harnish, Molly Harrison, Sandy Morgan, and Bruce Ogilvie.
June 2023: Raise additional funds needed.
July 2023: Apply to sponsor Ukrainian family. Once a match is made, the family has 90 days to arrive, although they would likely arrive sooner.
August-Sept 2023: Prepare for the family’s arrival. Organize teams to provide household supplies, clothing, personal items, transportation, meals, etc.
October 1: Family arrives. Provide ongoing support.
Welcoming a Family.
After 8 months of fundraising and preparing, we welcomed a family on November 15, 2023. There were happy smiles all around when Ihor, Yuliia and their 3 children (ages 8, 4 and 3 months) arrived. The family had two very long days of travel. They took a 17-hour overnight train trip from Kyiv to Krakow, then had 3 flights over 17 hours to get to Traverse City. Frankfort Rotarian Brett McGregor was their pilot on the Delta flight from Detroit!
They were incredibly brave to leave their home and family not knowing when they will return, but they wanted a safe home for their children. They can now live and sleep without fear.
The Family is Settling In.
The family enjoyed their first Christmas in the U.S. Traditionally, they have celebrated Christmas Day on January 7th. However, this year the family, along with all of Ukraine, celebrated Christmas on December 25 to further align with the West given the Eastern Orthodox Church’s support of Putin.
The family enjoyed many holiday activities. The children visited with Santa, made gingerbread houses and chocolate snowballs, participated in a school holiday performance, and saw the Christmas tree lighting ceremony in Frankfort. We hosted the family, along with some neighbors, for Christmas dinner and a fun time was had by all.
The family is very happy and feels welcomed by the community. Both Ihor & Yuliia grew up in small towns, so Frankfort feels like home. They feel safe and appreciate the generosity and kindness of everyone. The children have begun school and are quickly learning English.
In Ukraine, Ihor managed his family’s 6000-acre farm which was destroyed in the war and Yuliia was a high school history teacher. Yuliia hopes to work as a teacher’s aide. Ihor would like to get his commercial driver’s license (CDL) which he had in Ukraine, so he can drive trucks or large equipment. Ihor has gotten his Michigan driver’s license and has successfully passed the Commercial Learner’s Permit test which will enable him to enroll in a CDL training program. He is highly motivated and determined to get his CDL as soon as possible, so he can begin working and support his family.
Car Donation.
A local couple generously donated their 2003 Subaru Outback to the family. While the car is 20 years old, it is in excellent condition. Until Ihor and Yuliia are working, it provides the family with reliable transportation. Once Ihor is working, the family will likely need two cars. If you have a vehicle that would comfortably fit a family of 5 with multiple children’s car seats and would consider donating it (or selling it for a reasonable price), please let me know.
Thank You for Your Support.
The community’s support has been amazing! Thank you to the many organizations and individuals who have donated money, provided clothing, household items, toys and baby items. Your support has enabled Benzie Welcome Corps to pay for flights to the U.S., cover monthly expenses including rent, provide household items, clothing, baby items, and cover the cost of a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) training program for Ihor. Benzie county may be the smallest county in Michigan in terms of geographical area, but it certainly has the biggest heart! Our donors include:
100 Women Who Care. We were thrilled to have been selected by Benzie 100 Women Who Care for funding at their meeting in April 2023. This raised $16,600 towards sponsoring a Ukrainian family.
St. Andrews Presbyterian Church. Thank you to the Mission Team, Women’s Group & congregation for your generous support! - $6,390
Fr. Lovett Foundation of St. Philip’s Episcopal Church - $3,000
Benzie Sunrise Rotary Foundation. - $1,500
Frankfort Willoughby Rotary Foundation - $1,000
First Congregational Church of Frankfort - $800
Ironman Foundation. - $800
Individual donors. – $7,500 in cash donations and many donations of household & baby items, toys, and clothing.
The Baby Pantry at St. Philip’s. – Donations of a crib, baby items and clothing.
BACN – Donations of food and clothing.
Toys for Tots – Christmas gifts for the children.
How You Can Help
Join the Benzie Welcome Corps!
We’d love to have you join us! Send an email to BenzieWelcomeCorps@gmail.com to join the group. You will then be added to our mailing list to receive monthly updates.
Consider Donating
Your donation will help provide a home for the family and cover expenses during their first few months until they find employment and become self-supporting.
You can make a donation online at BenzieWelcomeCorps.com or send a check made out to Grow Benzie with Benzie Welcome Corps written on the memo line to: Benzie Welcome Corps, P.O. Box 2, Frankfort MI 49635.
Various teams will be organized this summer. If you, your church, or club would like to lead or assist in a particular area, please contact Julie Schumaker at BenzieWelcomeCorps@gmail.com.
Household & Clothing Team
Obtain household items needed, along with food, prior to the family’s arrival
Obtain clothing, school, and recreational items for children
Connect the family to local, state, and community-based nonprofit services (food pantry, social services, etc.)
Employment Team
Assist the family in facilitating a job search and locate workforce services
Assist in enrolling adults in career training, if needed
Healthcare Team
Connect the family to healthcare providers
Benzie Christian Services will assist the family in obtaining health insurance, but additional assistance may be needed
Education & Language Team
Assist in enrolling children in school, and adults in training and college, if desired
Identify English language classes and provide informal language partners
Transportation Team
Familiarize the family with local transportation resources, e.g., Benzie Bus
Identify a pool of volunteer drivers to drive the family to appointments, church, shopping, etc. Coordinate rides.
Social Activities Team
Arrange the delivery of some meals during the first few weeks after the family’s arrival and/or invitations to dinner
Connect the family to recreational and social activities in the community
Benzie Welcome Corps Leadership Team
The Benzie Welcome Corps is led by Julie Schumaker, Chair, along with an Advisory Board which provides direction and oversight.
Julie Schumaker
Julie brings her passion for service to lead the Benzie Welcome Corps. After a 30-year career as a consultant to nonprofits, educational institutions and foundations, Julie retired to Benzie County in 2021. She has a Ph.D. in educational policy and research from The University of Michigan. Prior to moving to Benzie County, Julie served on a local school board downstate for 18 years, was president of a Rotary club, and was the driving force in creating a community endowment fund. She is a member of the Frankfort Rotary Club and serves in various leadership positions with Rotary District 6290.
Bruce Ogilvie
Bruce is a retired accountant and financial planner. He has been a resident of Benzie County since 1989. Bruce has been very involved in county and city government having served on the Benzie County Planning Commission, City of Frankfort’s Charter Commission, Building Committee, Planning Commission, and Zoning Board of Appeals. He is a member of the Frankfort Rotary Club and has served as treasurer of the club and the Willoughby Rotary Foundation.
Rev. John E. (Jack) Harnish
Jack is a retired United Methodist pastor having served parishes in Flint, Ann Arbor, Dexter and Birmingham. Upon retiring to Honor, he has been an active volunteer in the community including serving as Fundraising Chair at BACN, and is currently board president of Advocates for Benzie County. He is a member of the Benzie Sunrise Rotary Club and writes a weekly column for the Record Patriot newspaper.
Joanne Manilla
Joanne has a passion for service and justice. She has been a Benzie county resident since 2022 and is a member of Benzie 100 Women Who Care. Joanne is a former 1st grade teacher and reading specialist and has served on various school advisory boards and committees. She has served in numerous roles as a volunteer including as a crisis text line volunteer counselor and alongside her therapy dog at local hospitals, hospice and schools. Additionally, she has served as a VIP (volunteer in park) at Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore and for Friends of Sleeping Bear Dunes.
Sandy Kanouse Morgan
Sandy is a Psychology professor at Central Michigan University with expertise in developmental assessment and intervention services for children and families. She has worked with a variety of local, state and national organizations including United Way, Listening Ear Crisis Center, Mt. Pleasant Homeless Shelter and Child Abuse and Neglect Council. Sandy has called Frankfort home for the last 6 years and looks forward to developing relationships with community members.
Linda Tompkins Nunn
Linda brings a wealth of experience serving in the Peace Corps in Ukraine to Benzie Welcome Corps. From 2006-2008, upon retiring from a career in teaching and in library services, Linda served in the Peace Corps where she taught Ukrainian teachers best practices for teaching English. Linda’s knowledge of Ukrainian culture and language skills have been invaluable. She has been a Benzie county resident since 2016 but her local roots go back to a childhood growing up on a cherry and apple farm on the Old Mission Peninsula. Linda is an avid volunteer in the community at Benzie Area Christian Neighbors (BACN), Benzie Senior Resources delivering meals, Periwinkle Garden Club, Benzie 100 Women Who Care, and was treasurer and president-elect of the Paul Oliver Hospital Auxiliary.

Reach out to Benzie Welcome Corps to learn more today!
Volunteer: Various teams will be organized this summer. If you, your church, or club would like to lead or assist in a particular area, please contact Julie Schumaker at BenzieWelcomeCorps@gmaill.com.
Household & Clothing Team
Employment Team
Healthcare Team
Education & Language Team
Transportation Team
Social Activities Team
Benzie Welcome Corps has the goal of raising $30,000 by July 1st so we can apply to sponsor a family in mid-July.
Click the donate button above to donate online or send a check made out to Grow Benzie with Benzie Welcome Corps in the memo line to: Benzie Welcome Corps, PO Box 2, Frankfort, MI 49635.
P.O. Box 2
Frankfort, MI 49635