WHAT? Come join us to repurpose wool sweaters and scraps into beautiful and cozy hats and neck warmers. Everyone welcome! Basic sewing skills required.
WHEN? Wednesday, February 19, 1:30-4pm
HOW? Space is limited and registration is REQUIRED: Fibershed@GrowBenzie.org or leave a message at 231 882-9510 (include email address and phone)
HOW MUCH? $20 for the workshop including materials. Pay in cash at the workshop.
WHERE? The Fibershed at Grow Benzie (Lower Level) 5885 Frankfort Highway (M-115), Benzonia, 49616 *** 1 mile west of stoplight in Benzonia *** 5 miles east of Frankfort *** 20 miles west of Interlochen *** 30 miles north of Manistee