The FiberShed
The Fibershed at Grow Benzie is a haven in Benzie County dedicated to diverting fiber waste from the landfill and providing fun and creative educational opportunities. In 2017, Grow Benzie partnered with Crosshatch Center for Art and Ecology to host a potluck discussion and view the film “True Cost” - a documentary about the price of fast fashion.Following the event, Emily Votruba and a team of volunteers began transforming the old growing room in the basement of the Studio Office space and the pole building into a sewing studio and marketplace exchange for all things fiber. Fiber donations, including clothing and all things fiber-related were accepted from the community and made available for cash purchase or trade through fiber credits. Fiber credits were issued for donations that could then be used to purchase other items.
In 2021, the Fibershed shifted away from accepting clothing to focus on all other fiber and fiber-related items (fabric, yarn, notions, etc), as there are many other local second-hand and charitable organizations that handle clothing.
The Fibershed hosts many workshops and activities each year that are designed to bring community together in a safe environment to have fun, and share inspiration and knowledge, while at the same time transforming discarded items into beautiful handmade and repurposed creations.
- To keep textile waste out of the landfill by giving new life to discarded fiber materials.
- Provide meaningful learning opportunities through workshops and activities.
- Inspire creativity. Build community.
- Be a local resource for the collection and redistribution of discarded fiber items within and for the community.

Reach out to the FiberShed and get involved today!
The Fibershed’s core leadership team consists of a small group of local volunteers and instructors. Volunteers are always welcome.
The Fibershed occasionally seeks volunteer assistance with sorting donations, managing open hours, and managing larger market events. For more information on how to get involved, contact the Fibershed coordinator, Karen Earl at fibershed@growbenzie.org
The FiberShed is supported from workshop fees and the sale of items produced in the Grow Benzie sewing studio.
Working on a creative project or looking for inspiration? Stop by the Fibershed during open hours. Most items are just $1 or one fiber credit per pound. Inspiration is free!!
Follow FiberShed activities.
Check out what’s new in the FiberShed by following our Facebook page where we post photos, videos, and share fun, fiber-related news from around the community!